
Thinking of moving out?

If you wish to leave your home

Check your tenancy agreement or rental contract as it will state how you can give notice or end your contract/ agreement. Please make sure you read the clause in full and never assume it is just one months’ notice.

Whilst the tenancy agreement or contract will detail the minimum amount of notice we require, if you are able to give us notice as soon as you know, even if you don’t plan to move for some months it is very helpful. This ensures all procedures are done promptly and your deposit is returned as soon as possible.

Notice must be given in writing. We only accept notice from the date we receive your notice letter or email in our office; it will not take effect from the date you write the letter or the date you posted it. You can call our tenancy department to make us aware of your intentions but the notice will only be accepted once confirmed in writing.

We will always write to acknowledge receipt of your notice letter to confirm the last day and process and advise you of the next steps; including a check out inspection and the return of your deposit.

If you do not hear from us, please check we have received your letter as they can sometimes get lost in the post.

Assured shorthold tenancies

Your agreement will run for the agreed fixed term. Three months before the expiry of the fixed term  a decision will be made on whether to  renew the tenancy or regain possession at the end of the fixed term. We will then contact you to either offer a further tenancy or provide you with two clear months’ notice to vacate the property.

Moving out early

If you need to leave the property earlier than you originally intended or before the end of your term, please contact us to discuss how best to proceed. Again, please give as much notice as is possible.

Check-out inspection

We will arrange for a check-out inspection to be carried out once you have left the property. This will include checking for repairs and maintenance issues you are responsible for as well as damages or missing items. We will notify you of the inspection findings.


Once the check-out inspection has been conducted, we will receive details of any deductions. Cleaning costs and unpaid rent are the top reasons why deposit money is withheld, so you may want to consider using a professional cleaning company.

When the deductions are agreed by both parties the deposit money will be returned to your account, less any agreed deductions. This typically takes 10 working days.

Moving out

You have no legal right to return to the property after the lawful end of the tenancy or contract in order to put anything right (e.g. to finish the cleaning).

Any issues

Please let us know if you are having any issues getting ready to move out, especially if you are going to find it difficult to vacate the property on the final day. We may be able to help, but only if you let us know what is happening – please contact us.

Moving from one My Future Living property to another FAQ’s.