Tenant responsibility
When you signed your tenancy agreement you entered a legally binding contract with the landlord to keep to the terms of the agreement. It is important you read your tenancy agreement carefully and understand what it says.
Your key responsibilities as a tenant include:
Care and Cleanliness
Take good care of the property. It is your responsibility to keep the property clean, tidy and in good decorative order. You will be liable if the property falls into disrepair through neglect and/or accidental damage.
Report any repairs or damage quickly so we can fix it before it becomes worse. If damage is caused by you or a visitor, it must be repaired or paid for by yourself.
Rent and Additional Charges
Rent must be paid in full and on time, as laid out in your tenancy agreement. Other charges such as utilities and council tax must also be paid on time.
You must deal with a pest infestation in cases where it is caused by your own actions, e.g. by not taking the rubbish out.
Follow the security procedures on site to ensure that the security of the development is not put at risk.
Ensure you have relevant home contents insurance to cover your own belongings and accidental damage.
Anti-social behaviour
Refrain from acting in an anti-social way towards your neighbours, onsite manager or landlord. You can also be held accountable for the anti-social behaviour of anyone who visits you.
Health and Safety
Report any health and safety issues to My Future Living and follow the fire safety information provided on site.
Alterations and works
You must contact us to get written permission if you wish to carry out an alteration or improvement to your property This includes any adaptations, redecoration and wallpapering.
Do not sublet
You must not sublet the property or allow anyone else who is not a tenant to live in the property