
Applying to rent a property

Here is our step by step guide to renting one of our properties:

Contact us and register your details

Contact us by telephone, email or through our web form and tell us what you are looking for in a rental property including your ideal location. We list all our available properties in our property search section, so you may want to have a quick scroll through first to see if, any interest you. Once you’ve contacted us, our team will come back to you to discuss your requirements further.

Viewing a property

Once you have found a property you like the look of, our team will arrange a suitable time with the on-site manager at the development for you to view the property. They will meet you at the property and take you on a tour of the development, including the communal areas and show you the property.

Listen to our viewing audio guide

Reserving your property

Once you’ve decided on a property, we will ask for a holding deposit to secure the property reservation and take it off the rental market. This is held until the tenancy start date and is used towards your first month’s rent.

It’s important at this stage to be aware that the holding deposit will be withheld if the applicant(s) or any relevant person (including any guarantors(s):

  • withdraws from the tenancy
  • fails a Right to Rent check
  • provide materially significant false or misleading information
  • fails to sign the tenancy agreement (and/or deed of guarantee) within four weeks

Reference checks

The next step is for us to collect your proof of ID, references and to conduct ‘Right to Rent’ checks to validate your reservation. The ‘Right to Rent’ scheme requires landlords to check that all tenants who occupy their properties have legal status to live in the UK. More information can be found here.

The rental agreement

We will start creating the tenancy agreement once the landlord has confirmed he is happy with everything, and our team will contact you to agree a suitable move in date.


Once the rental agreement has been signed and the move date agreed, we will organise a completion date for you to pick up the keys and meet with the on-site manager to move into your new home.

An exciting new chapter in your life begins!!